6 Ways to Give Back This Thanksgiving
Giving back to others is also giving back to ourselves. It boosts our mental health and generates warmth in the heart. Expressing gratitude is important for ourselves, others, and nature. We are all connected, and all play a small part in the evolution of life. The most general way to express gratitude and lift someone else, is giving back.
Studies have shown this to be fact; researchers have reported multiple positives, from studies conducted on the brain and giving back. This holiday season, consider the benefits of giving back from research/studies:
- Giving back can boost dopamine which means, boosts in mood.
- Giving back to mother earth- the environment by way of volunteering, reduces symptoms of depression.
- Giving back was linked to lower blood pressure.
- Giving back means longevity and lower risk for mortality. Being kind means we live longer.
- Teenagers that volunteered reported boosts in altruism.
- Overall, giving back results in: better sleep, better mental health, and better physical health.
Giving back can mean so much, so many ways: giving a gift, volunteering, donating, listening, just being there. Stephen G. Post wrote:
“The startling findings from our many studies demonstrate that if you engage in helping activities as a teen, you will still be reaping health benefits 60 or 70 years later.”
Let’s Explore 6 Ways that We Can Give Back This Season
- Organize a drive to collect donations. We have a lot stashed away in closets and garages that we don’t need and can be donated to make someone else’s life whole. Get your friends and family in on this and impact an entire family; one family to another.
- Visit a Hospital and/or Nursing Home. There are many people that have no loved ones to visit them. A visit, simply to spend time: singing, playing board games, and/or just to listening, can bring someone so much joy.
- Host a Fundraiser for a Cause. Many people love giving back. Make this a group effort and raise money for a family, an organization, and/or a center in need. Maybe donate to a kitchen that feeds those in need or to a children’s shelter/ domestic violence shelter.
- Mentor Someone. Giving back also means: support, encouragement, and education. There is someone out there that can benefit from your experiences and expertise. Helping someone get to an opportunity is an amazing way to give back.
- Be a Speaker, Motivate a Crowd. We all need our spirits lifted from time to time. On any given day, there are hundreds of people that feel helpless, don’t know which way to turn, and in need of advice and motivation. Your words, your spirit, your passion- can help lift someone up and completely change their perspective.
- Give back to Mother Earth by way of helping clean the parks, a beach, and/or recycling. Being a little greener, more environmentally aware, will help preserve our Earth, and this is definitely giving back our loved ones here, and those to come.